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30 days later - Nablopomo, the verdict.

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Alexander Residence: 30 days later - Nablopomo, the verdict.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

30 days later - Nablopomo, the verdict.

Dear Reader

I agreed to nablopomo (a blog post a day in November) on a complete whim.

Here's what I learnt from some of my better posts:
  • Quality Time - It's about writing about your own life, but making it relevant to others.
  • Vintage Fisher Price Camper - I think my photography has improved this month.
  • Little Legacy - I keep thinking I am nearing the end of this project, then new people join me on the journey, cheering me on my voyage through bereavement and offering beautifully written tales of inspiring people.
  • Sponsored posts can be great writing prompts, which stimulate debate, and they don't have to stop you being you.
  • Making people 'feel' can be more about senses than emotions. Psychosomatic nits anyone?
  • I realised I love documenting the 'little bits' of our lives, nablopomo made me put them up when I might not have got round to it normally.  My 5yo daughter was caught singing I wanna be a Billionaire, my son rocked Pyjama chic.  

Here's the good bits:

  • Having to post everyday helped me feel more relaxed about my posts, sometimes not having the time to agonise over them is a good thing.
  • I believe 'just writing' is the best way to get the creative juices going, drive in the dark and see where it takes you.  Much of the time I don't pursue lots of ideas because I'm not posting daily.  I got to try out more ideas.
  • I got more of a feel of what my blog is about, and what kind of posts work for me and my readers, although I think you are a very varied bunch.
  • I reconnected with some good friends I started this blogging journey with.  I also spent more time visiting some blogs I had lost track of and met lots of new ones. 
  • I became much more aware of the kind of content I want to read, I think this will shape the content I produce.  See I'm using the word content?  Perhaps it was timely for me, but I was ready to move out a little bit from the personal, to debate some bigger issues.
  • I received some offers of cash, some lovely review products and other brand related opportunities.  Whether this was coincidence or down to posting more making me more visible I don't know, but it was nice to know my hard work was being rewarded.
  • I fulfilled my dream to say 'Here's one I made earlier' Blue Peter style in this vlog.  A friend lent me Adobe Premier, I loved getting my hands on some decent editing software again.

The bad bits:

  • I didn't have as much time to read other blogs, or reply to comments.  December will therefore be share the comment love month, as well as be a bit more sociable on Twitter month.
  • I think I probably annoyed some of my email subscribers, but saying that some were amazingly supportive.  
  • I may be a little more paranoid than usual about my blogging.
  • Week 4 felt a bit lonely, perhaps everyone felt a bit saturated by my efforts by then.
  • Some posts could have benefited from a bit more time to marinade.  On the flipside I think I might be better now at weeding out seeds of ideas that were never going to bear fruit in the long run.

Overall, I think it's been a positive experience, sometimes you don't see the full benefits of something until you have had time to step back, I think I will definitely spot more as I carry on the blogging journey.

I am also just proud of myself for sticking to my goal.  And I am so very grateful for all the comments and your patience with blog post bombardment and my written experiments.

Thank you


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At 30 November 2011 at 08:05 , Blogger gidders1 said...

Well done you. You really did get a lot out of it!

At 30 November 2011 at 11:39 , Blogger Kate said...

Great achievement.At least you know you can do it!

At 30 November 2011 at 12:35 , Anonymous Kate, Witwitwoo said...

*High Five*

At 30 November 2011 at 12:50 , Anonymous helloitsgemma said...

this sum up is so you - very thoughtful.
I just blasted my sum up out - I think I had similar negatives to you.
It takes a lot of time this content thing - and yes, I spotted your sponsored posts - well done!

At 30 November 2011 at 15:08 , Blogger Jenny said...

Well down Penny I apologise for not popping over more often - it was hard to fnd the time to visit everyone wasn't it. I tried to visit a few every day. Like you I found the whole eoxerience rewarding and I am leased to have taken part. I cannot believe that people dent get fed up with all my posts but if anything I had more this month, so that was encouraging.
Keep up the blogging and well done again xx

At 30 November 2011 at 18:35 , Anonymous MIdlife Singlemum said...

Well done for reaching the finish line in style. I wish you a more relaxing December.

At 1 December 2011 at 08:27 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done, I have lots of posts I need to go back and comment on. We have had viruses and tummy bugs and busy workwise too.

Great sum up and as always you got the most out of it x which is inspiring to read. I over think my posts then I have great idea's and then don't get around to doing them.

Love your comment about sponsored posts too. It is very true it's nice to be given something and have to do something with it. I like that challenge and I always try to put me in it too somehow. Being paid is of course an added bonus :-)

I seemed to be subscribed to most of the Nambo thingy bloggers so my inbox has been pretty full and because of that I ended up reading less as I didn't have the time to read it all.

You must keep your little legacy going it is really great and I honestly looked forward to it coming into my inbox :-)

I am typing this in a bit of a morning hurry, still feeling slightly sick but felt guilty as I have failed on commenting here for well over a week!!!

Excuse major typo's but I have learnt if I don't comment stright away I don't seem to make time to go back....

xxxxxxx Oh happy December 1st :-)

At 1 December 2011 at 11:59 , Blogger Penny P.S. and A Residence said...

Thank you all so much! So nice to see such lovely friendly faces on the finish line. Happy Dec 1st, I'm in recovery, I am planning a comment marathon tonight, you ladies should expect visits, and Ali, essays :)


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