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Cybermummy Meet and Greet (but no drinks please I'm on antibiotics from hell)

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Alexander Residence: Cybermummy Meet and Greet (but no drinks please I'm on antibiotics from hell)

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Cybermummy Meet and Greet (but no drinks please I'm on antibiotics from hell)

With only 4 sleeps to go, it's time to join Mummy's Shoes' Meet and Greet for CyberMummy 11.  I am glad it's still 4 days away as I have been battling with evil toothache all weekend after a routine scale and polish gave me a gum infection.

After a visit to the emergency dentist, I feel better than I did.  My husband said my puffy face actually scared him at the weekend, and that he came to check I was still alive after I went to bed on Sunday. Now he has tells me I look pretty normal.  Huge relief.

Kate Takes5 and I have been busy arranging a gathering on behalf of our fab sponsor Netmums after Cybermummy 11.  (Do ask us on the day for details). One of our most pressing concerns, besides finding the venue and choosing cocktails, has been asking Kate's sister in law, who happens to be a dentist, if my dentist really meant it when he said I absolutely really must not under any circumstances drink on these antibiotics he has prescribed me for the next 10 days.  Kate's research reveals they are the ones doctors often prescribe to alcoholics to stop them drinking, so its seems I definitely won't be drinking.  Bugger.  At least someone will be able to order cabs.

I am very much looking forward to meeting new people.  I am a friendly creature who likes to put people at ease. If however, I  am frozen like a rabbit in the headlights or looking aloof, don't be put off, it is probably just the last remnants of toothache, just say hello anyway and give me a few secs to engage my aching jaw.

Name: Penny Alexander
Blog: Alexander Residence
Twitter ID: @AResidence
Height: 5ft 4
Hair: Long Brown and straight.
Eyes: Blue
Likes: Tea, gin, good company, camping, writing, making theatre and film, nattering, jeans, converse, a good book, blogging, the colour red.
Dislikes: toothache (it's all that's on my mind this week)

You can meet me and my mantelpiece, not a euphemism, here in a a vlog.  Or this is what I look like when I don't have a packet of peas stuck to my face.   Fans of the fabulous board game Guess Who may guess I am dressed as Maria of the green beret. Not my real eyebrows, but painted on Maria quizzical ones.  Although a presentation expert once told me I should make more of them, not sure this is what she had in mind though:

Me as me/Maria
Me as mum
Me as bride/wife
In doing this I found there are very few pictures of me. I will go and make my husband take more photos before I am erased from family history.

Really looking forward to the big day!

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At 21 June 2011 at 19:56 , Blogger Melaina25 said...

Looking forward to meeting you!

At 21 June 2011 at 20:00 , Blogger Metal Mummy said...

Hope the toothache has gone by Saturday! I want to actually talk instead of gawp at said inflamed face!

Looking forward to meeting you x

At 21 June 2011 at 21:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boooooo to the antibiotics!!!

At 21 June 2011 at 21:45 , Blogger Emma said...

So jealous of you all going to Cybermummy! Have a blast (even if you have to postpone the drinking until a later date, hope you are OK by the way!)...

Emma :)

At 21 June 2011 at 23:07 , Blogger Unknown said...

Look forward to meeting you. I am like you and have few pics of me and you have reminded me I need to correct that for my daughters sake x

At 21 June 2011 at 23:08 , Blogger Expat mum said...

Looking forward to meeting you. Hope the face is better soon.

At 23 June 2011 at 19:21 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

jeans and converse, is that how i'll recognise you?


At 23 June 2011 at 20:32 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not going but still nice to know you a bit better. Was gutted we didn't meet at blogcamp. xx
Beautiful wedding pic by the way xxx

At 23 June 2011 at 22:03 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


antibiotics are naff!

see you sat


At 23 June 2011 at 23:33 , Blogger Penny P.S. and A Residence said...

Can't wait to meet all of you!

Emma and waterbirthplease - I can't even drink to you sorry!
Milk - hmmm, jeans yes, converse not sure, might have been shoe shopping today ;)



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