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Parenting Changed My Life: The Music Video

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Alexander Residence: Parenting Changed My Life: The Music Video

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Parenting Changed My Life: The Music Video

I couldn't possibly tell you how having children has changed my life, how much effort goes into juggling a 2 and a 4 year old, how much they can do in one little hour, how they make my head spin. But I can show you how it feels if you like?

This was filmed one afternoon when I was struggling, stressed out trying to finish my creative writing diploma and wondering what on earth I was thinking when I quit my job to be a stay at home mum.   

There will be days like this.  People tell you to make the most of it. They won't be this young and wonderful and small forever.  But you don't care, because you're knackered, you're stressed about life beyond kids, you're bored of squabbles, of them not listening, of piles of washing, of putting away the same bits of plastic, of cooking nursery food, of staring, frozen into the middle distance in case they think you're daring to do something for yourself.
Repeat after me.  Good enough parenting.  

Editing it today I look back and see how much fun they were having, how much we did in that afternoon, and how much they learnt even if their mum wasn't firing on all cylinders.  I didn't film the tears, the tantrums, the washing pile, I will next time.

Music credit:  A night of dizzy spells by  Eric Skiff (Resistor Anthems)
Resistor Anthems (Eric Skiff) / CC BY 3.0

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At 25 May 2011 at 20:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn Penny - this is so brilliant. It's like you had a quick look inside my head at the moment...
My last thought every night before dropping off (for the hour and a half before Ida's night terrors begin) is - please let good enough actually be good enough...

At 25 May 2011 at 21:49 , Blogger mum in meltdown said...

I am totally with the 'good enough'!! :)

At 26 May 2011 at 03:38 , Blogger Monica said...

What kind of video camera do you use? The quality looks great! My little Nikon cool pix definitely doesn't shoot videos that look this good! Darling!

At 26 May 2011 at 08:39 , Anonymous Honest Mum said...

Absolutely brilliant and said as a Mum and a filmmaker. You have captured the mania and the wonder of young children! Brilliant and it's so funny. Last night, as work has been busier than ever (which I am very happy about) but nonetheless I had a little cry at how I just want to be with Oliver more. Sometimes I think I can never win! Well done you x

At 26 May 2011 at 14:04 , Blogger Kate said...

How on earth are your editing skills so good. I am v. jealous. I have a nikon cool pix too and whilst the videos are great I have no idea where to go to edit and add the bells and whistles. I think you need to give us all a tutorial.
P.s.Those kids are too cute!

At 26 May 2011 at 15:37 , Blogger Penny P.S. and A Residence said...

Dichotomyof - so glad it struck a chord. Night terrors now that's so tough. Have you tried relaxkids CDs? They helped L deal with stress of mum's death and are great for bedtimes. When I read your blog there always so much lovely stuff happening, you're definitely good enough, and some!
Mum in a meltdown - good!
Mama bird and Kate - thanks. It's a kodak flipcam. The editing skills were picked up teaching film in secondary school for four years. Never had chance to play for myself then though! Kate have you got moviemaker on your new laptop? You can download for free.
Honest Mummy - wow a real, award winning filmmaker commenting on my vlog! Thank you. Mother's guilt is tough but he will be so proud of his mum, and you'll appreciate him all the more for fufulling your dreams x

At 26 May 2011 at 21:24 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, a talent is emerging. Film making? the future?
I love your honestly, it's brilliant and what is great - that on reflection it wasn't so bad. Take time to reflect and give yourself a pat on the back X

At 27 May 2011 at 09:36 , Blogger Jen Walshaw said...

You need to do a tutorial on how you get the bit at the beginning and end, so I am so untechnical that I have no idea what they are even called. Parenting is all about being good enough. I am a firm believer in you are the parent that your child needs.

At 27 May 2011 at 09:42 , Anonymous Kath Parkover said...

Fab film and I adore the miniature tipi!
I often get to the end of the week and wonder if I've done enough stuff with my daughter and whether I've been "good enough".I tell myself it does her good to have to amuse herself for some of the time though, and I do genuinely think that's true!

At 27 May 2011 at 19:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! that is fab! I love the wigwam! We'll be making one of those!

Your third paragraph really hit home with me, that exactly how I feel. Especially the bit about daring to do something for yourself!


At 30 May 2011 at 22:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your kids are adorable Penny!

Cracking post, tapped into a lot of mums feelings, plus how good is your vlogging? I cant even turn on camcorder on my phone!

J x

At 1 June 2011 at 00:15 , Blogger Penny P.S. and A Residence said...

Cheers Gemma, and sound advice.
Mum in the madhouse, pre-roll and post-roll I am told ;)
Kath and mummymummymum - yes the wigwam was a good thing to come out of that day, even if the 2yo smashed it twice.
Northern mum - thank you :)


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