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Something for the weekend - Harvey Wallbanger

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Alexander Residence: Something for the weekend - Harvey Wallbanger

Friday, 4 November 2011

Something for the weekend - Harvey Wallbanger

There's something ceremonious about starting the weekend with a cocktail. Something to signal it's time to switch off.  A kind of slow down ritual.  Although this weekend being Mr A's birthday, we're probably not going to be slowing down much.

Cocktails are often associated with over indulgence, but I reckon the opposite can be true. Taking the time to make and savour a cocktail, rather than swilling down some of hastily poured wine or G and T, can often mean a good night in and a clear head, instead of me falling asleep on the sofa at 9pm and waking at 6am feeling rough.  As a lightweight, I'm a big fan of long drinks.

Plus I found out recently, after attending a Drinkaware blogging event, that my self estimated gin measure is actually a triple.  So I think there is no harm for me in revisiting the spirit measure.

Harvey Wallbanger
2 measures Vodka
0.5 measure Galliano
6 measures juice
Orange slice

Build the drink in a highball glass, starting with ice, then vodka.  Float the Galliano on top, garnish with an orange slice, a cherry and a straw, and serve.

And the story behind it?  Harvey, a Californian surfer had performed badly in a surf contest.  He hit his favourite bar to drown his sorrows.  Deciding his usual Screwdriver wasn't going to hit the mark that day, he spotted the Galliano bottle.  The bartender added a shot as a float.  Harvey had quite a few of these and banged into some walls on the way home. Ouch. Stay safe kids. A measure is 25ml, of which women are recommended 2-3 a day, men 3-4.

Musical Accompaniment.  For me and Mr A, Galliano were a particularly fine acid jazz band of our yoof. Hence we have a bottle knocking round the house. It tastes of vanilla, and the nineteen nineties, and well, just make one and listen to this. This may have to be my start of the weekend track.

Finally a very Happy Birthday Mr A!

What rituals mean it's the weekend for you?

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At 4 November 2011 at 13:28 , Blogger Kate said...

God that brings back memories! Did you know that in Ireland a pub measure of spirits is twice that of the UK. No I know it isn't very surprising!

At 4 November 2011 at 16:15 , Anonymous MIdlife Singlemum said...

I used to love these. And we used to go and watch a group called Harvey and the Wallbangers. I can't remember any of their songs now even though I bought all (both?) theit albums at the time. Must youtube them...

At 4 November 2011 at 19:22 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

can we do this soon???

At 5 November 2011 at 08:22 , Blogger Penny P.S. and A Residence said...

Kate - double trouble?!
MSM - You Tube is great for nostalgia.
Gemma - cocktail hour is imminent.


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